If you need to cancel your outgoing SEPA bank transfer, please submit such a request to support@genome.eu from your registered email address. In your request, please make sure to indicate the ID of the transfer you wish to cancel and provide the reason for the cancellation.
Additionally, please pay attention to the fact that we can only cancel transfers that are in the ‘Verifying your transfer’ stage. If your transfer has the ‘Sending to beneficiary’s bank’ or ‘Received by beneficiary’s bank’ (Success) status, it will not be possible for us to cancel the transfer. In this case, we recommend contacting to the recipient directly and asking them to return the funds.
Lastly, for SEPA bank transfers with the Success status, we can send a SEPA cancellation request to the recipient’s bank. That being said, the cancellation request does not guarantee that the funds will be returned - it will be up to the recipient or their bank to either accept or decline your cancellation request. If you want to send a SEPA cancellation request, please contact our Customer Support team via support@genome.eu for further details.
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