There are various reasons you may get this error when trying to sign in. Here is the list of the most common ones:
- You are trying to log in from the unsupported country. If you are a legal resident of the country we support but temporarily located in one of the restricted countries, please contact us and we will try to resolve the issue.
- You have registered numerous personal wallets. According to our Terms and Conditions, it is allowed to have only one personal wallet for each person. If you need several business wallets please find instructions here. In case you are experiencing difficulties registering or verifying your wallets or you are not sure which wallet to use, please contact us.
- You shared the login details with another person. We strongly recommend not giving any login details to your colleagues or friends. If you are the owner of personal and business wallets and you would like to give access to the business wallet to your colleagues, please follow the instructions here. Also please note that the person you would like to allow access to should have a verified Genome personal wallet.
In case of any other reason please contact us at
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